Vulcan Seat on a Mean Streak

A Classic seat *can* fit the Mean Streak

Can you modify a Vulcan seat to fit the Mean Streak? Apparently you can. While this mod is specifically to get a Vulcan Classic seat to fit a Mean Streak, perhaps it will help others make similar mods..

"Mulefeathers" writes:

I want to document and share my steps in the conversation of a 2007 Vulcan Classic to my 2003 Mean Streak.

vulcan seat mod1
The first thing I had to fix was the tab on the Vulcan is quite a bit larger than the mean streak so I had to sand down and resize. I have not sanded down the bumpers. I might after I ride for a little while but as of now, no.

vulcan seat mod2
vulcan seat mod3
Secondly I needed to build new brackets. I started with a 6" hinge shaped and plastic coated the new brackets.

vulcan seat mod5
Thirdly I needed to create rear bumpers to remove seat flex.

The bumpers were purchased at Lowes but were too short. I had to extend them with rubber grommets.


And finally a 2003 Mean Streak with a solo seat.

vulcan seat mod6

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