Add A Harley Davidson Fairing To Your Cruiser

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Thanks to Kevin Lackey

So, you want to mount a Harley fairing on your cruiser but can't find ready made brackets to ease the process? No problem. Kevin Lackey has taken on the challenge and discovered the mounting is easy and solid using commonly available brackets. One caveat. Kevin mounted the fairing on his Kawasaki VN900 with light bar. If you have a different brand/model bike you might have to modify his instructions to suit. Bottom line, this project shows with just a little imagination we can mount practically anything on any motorcycle.


What You'll Need

1- '96 or later Harley fairing (outer only)

2 - L brackets (see instructions below)

1 - Pair common windshield mounting brackets (see instructions below)


How To Do It

Kevin says: I bought an 03 FLH outer fairing on eBay, and took some measurements. The classic light is too big for the light opening so I had two choices. Buy a Harley light, or trim the opening. I got out a saw and got to cutting. The ironic thing is I paid top dollar to get a fairing with all four mounting tabs in place and ended up cutting the bottom ones off anyway. I didn’t use the top mounts either so I screwed on a pair of skull license plate bolts just to fill the top ones up.

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The photo at left shows the fairing prior to cutting out the headlight area (click thumbnail for larger photo). The photo at right shows the "after" picture.

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Now for the mounting. Rather than re-invent the wheel, I got some old handlebar windshield clamps (eBay) similar to the ones used in the Memphis Shades Hell Cat, and similar clip on shields. The tops of the clamps mount via  the windshield holes, and conveniently support the shield as shown in the photo at left.

For the lower mounts, I used plain old 8” L brackets, slightly bent, and mounted them to the light bar. This is a near invisible mount. I drilled a hole in the bottom of the fairing, ran a bolt through it and the L bracket and used an extra windshield lamp washer and acorn nut to tie it down.

Again, as noted above, you may have to experiment a little and you'll quickly find a motorcycle salvage yard can become your favorite new playground when searching for brackets and even parts you didn't even know you might be able to mount on your bike.


Tag: fairing

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